Monday, July 19, 2010


kenalin dulu nama saya heles yudha dari Universitas Komputer diBandung sekarang saya dah lulus dengan titel (heehe dikit pamer lagi seneng2nya baru lulus) seseorang yang mencari sesuap nasi dari pengetahuan yang dangkal ini...

ini pengalaman saya setelah selesai sekripsi ada keinginan untuk mengupload web yang sudah saya buat agar bisa terus dipelototin... hehehee
dari sejak semester 2 saya sudah meng uplod beberapa web dan terbukti gada penarikan biaya perbulannya mantap kan bro...???? sampe sekarang udah ada 3 tahunan tp tetep online terus tu web aku.. contohnya ni web aku yang berhasil diupload

buat temen temen yang udah buat web bagus banget udah keren banget pokoknya dengan bahasa pemrograman php dari taun jadul sampe terbaru, saya mau bantu buat upload-tin tu web dengan domain
cuma 150ribu untuk (<20MB uploadfile),klo lebih dari 20mb yang diupload diberlakukan kelipatannya gimana tuh murahkan?? web saya aja yang udah teritung lumayan berat ternyata cuma 10MB aja....
sekali bayar on seumur hidup tu web.... pokoknya tau beres :D
saya kasih kemudahan lagi neh hubungi saya, terus kirim tu file webnya lewat email dibawah ntar tunggu konfirmasi dari saya sampai web online. baru boleh transfer deh... klo ga sesuai keinginan boleh ko ga transfer, tapi hari itu juga akan saya delet webnya dari situs, gimana tuh kurang baik apa lagi...:D

klo dah saya upload saya akan kasih tu link-link pengaturannya.
tu aja semooga tawaran saya membantu temen sekalian buat mecahin masalah yang mungkin binggung buat upload web dengan menggunakan database mysql... salam persahabatan dari saya...:-)

Hubungi saya
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esia bandung :(022)93360673

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing first began in the early 1990s as simple, text-based websites that offered product information. Over time Internet marketing evolved into more than just selling information products, there are people now selling advertising space, software programs, business models, and many other products and services. Companies like Google, Yahoo, and MSN have leveled the playing field of internet advertising. By offering local advertising to small to medium sized businesses, ROI has grown while the bottom line has been lowered. This type of marketing is the backbone of modern capitalism, allowing anyone with an idea,product or service to reach the widest audience possible. The next evolutionary step would be to refine the consumer search to those consumers specifically searching for your product or service, and entice them with catchy tag lines and promotions. Once the consumer has chosen your company, and entered your e-store, the design of your website will determine the online to offline or e-commerce conversion rates. These are what business owners covet, the lowest cost per lead.
To clarify, while internet marketing can cover any facet of online marketing as described above, current use of the term internet marketing commonly refers to the use of direct response marketing strategies, that were traditionally used in direct mail, radio, and TV infomericals, applied to the internet business space.
These methods have been found to be particularly useful on the internet due to its tracking capabilities coupled with the ability to instantly reach the prospect, whether it be B2B or Business to consumer. This ability for careful anaylsis has become quite common now, which is why you will commonly see terms such as ROI, conversion rate, and sales letter commonly come up when discussing internet marketing.
Business models
Internet marketing is associated with several business models. The main models include business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). B2B consists of companies doing business with each other, whereas B2C involves selling directly to the end consumer (see Malala, 2003)[1] When Internet marketing first began, the B2C model was first to emerge. B2B transactions were more complex and came about later. A third, less common business model is peer-to-peer (P2P), where individuals exchange goods between themselves. An example of P2P is Kazaa, which is built upon individuals sharing files.
Internet marketing can also be seen in various formats. One version is name-your-price (e.g. With this format, customers are able to state what price range they wish to spend and then select from items at that price range. With find-the-best-price websites , Internet users can search for the lowest prices on items. A final format is online auctions where buyers bid on listed items.
It should be noted, however; as described above, under history, that current use of the term internet marketing commonly refers to the use of direct response marketing strategies, that were traditionally used in direct mail, radio, and TV infomercials, applied to the internet business space. When professionals and entrepreneurs commonly refer to "internet marketing" it is this model that they are often referring to. ....The theory was that broadcaster would begin transmitting digital signal in this new band and then the analog signal would be discontinued when consumer penetration of the new technology was deemed sufficient...
Some of the benefits associated with Internet marketing include the availability of information. Consumers can log onto the Internet and learn about products, as well as purchase them, at any hour. Companies that use Internet marketing can also save money because of a reduced need for a sales force. Overall, Internet marketing can help expand from a local market to both national and international marketplaces. And, in a way, it levels the playing field for big and small players. Unlike traditional marketing media (like print, radio and TV), entry into the realm of Internet marketing can be a lot less expensive.
Furthermore, since exposure, response and overall efficiency of digital media is much easier to track than that of traditional "offline" media, Internet marketing offers a greater sense of accountability for advertisers.
Compared to the other media marketing(like print, radio and TV), Internet marketing is growing very fast. It's also gaining popularity among small businesses and even consumers when trying to monetize their blog or website. The measurability of the internet as a media makes it easier to experience innovative e-marketing tactics that will prove a better Cost of Acquisition than other media. However, in most developed countries, internet marketing and advertising spending is around 5% only, while TV, radio, and the print are more.
Limitations of Internet marketing create problems for both companies and consumers. Slow Internet connections can cause difficulties. If companies build overly large or complicated web pages, Internet users may struggle to download the information. Internet marketing does not allow shoppers to touch, smell, taste or try-on tangible goods before making an online purchase. Some e-commerce vendors have implemented liberal return policies to reassure customers. Germany for example introduced a law in 2000 (Fernabsatzgesetz - later incorporated into the BGB), that allows any buyer of a new product over the internet to return the product on a no-questions-asked basis and get a full return. This is one of the main reasons why in Germany internet shopping became so popular. Another limiting factor, particularly with respect to actual buying and selling, is the adequate development (or lack thereof) of electronic payment methods like e-checks, credit cards, etc.
Security concerns
For both companies and consumers that participate in online business, security concerns are very important. Many consumers are hesitant to buy items over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Recently, some companies that do business online have been caught giving away or selling information about their customers. Several of these companies have guarantees on their websites, claiming customer information will be private. By selling customer information, these companies are breaking their own, publicized policy. Some companies that buy customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from the database (known as opting out). However, many customers are unaware that their information is being shared and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies.
Security concerns are of great importance and online companies have been working hard to create solutions. Encryption is one of the main methods for dealing with privacy and security concerns on the Internet. Encryption is defined as the conversion of data into a form called a cipher. This cipher cannot be easily intercepted unless an individual is authorized by the program or company that completed the encryption. In general, the stronger the cipher, the better protected the data is. However, the stronger the cipher, the more expensive encryption becomes.
Effects on industries
Internet marketing has had a large impact on several industries including music, banking, and flea markets - not to mention the advertising industry itself.
In the music industry, many consumers have begun buying and downloading MP3s over the Internet instead of simply buying CDs. The debate over the legality of duplicating MP3s has become a major concern for those in the music industry.
Internet marketing has also affected the banking industry. More and more banks are offering the ability to perform banking tasks online. Online banking is believed to appeal to customers because it is more convenient than visiting bank branches. Currently, over 50 million U.S. adults now bank online. Online banking is now the fastest-growing Internet activity. The increasing speed of Internet connections is the main reason for the fast-growth. Of those individuals who use the Internet, 44% now perform banking activities over the Internet.
As Internet auctions have gained popularity, flea markets are struggling. Unique items that could previously be found at flea markets are being sold on instead. has also affected the prices in the industry. Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets and the price often becomes what the item is sold for. More and more flea market sellers are putting their items up for sale online and running their business out of their homes.
The effect on the Ad industry itself has been profound. In just a few years, online advertising has grown to be worth tens of billions of dollars annually. [2][3][4] As Advertisers increase and shift more of their budgets online, it is now overtaking radio in terms of market share.

Mempercepat koneksi modem internet

Bagi anda pengguna internet dengan dial-up pasti pernah merasa koneksi yang sangat lambat..hal seperti ini pasti sangat menjengkelkan karena jika dibiarkan akan membuang biaya percuma..tapi ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi salah satunya menggunakan software pihak ke tiga.tapi sebelum kamu mencoba software-software seperti itu,ada baiknya mencoba trik berikut secara manual..

Begini caranya...

Buka control panel.klik icon modem..lalu pilih modem yang akan di ubah kecepatannya.klik properties pada modem itu..maka akan muncul modem properties..pilih modem,lalu ganti angka maximum port speed menjadi angka yang paling besar..misalnya 115200.sekarang coba kamu koneksi kan modem kamu..pasti nanti akan kerasa bedanya....

Download Video di Youtube

Download Video di Youtube

Youtube merupakan situs yang menyediakan ribuan video yang siap ditonton setiap harinya...
Ada lebih dari 70 video baru setiap harinya.Di situs ini juga kita dapat saling berbagi/sharing video lewat video yang ada di youtube termasuk paling lengkap diantara situs-situs lainnya.mulai dari video artis,video klip,funy video sampai film kartunpun ada.Yang lebih menarik lagi video video om tukul arwana(empat mata) pun dapat anda tonton di youtube.
format video yang tersedia di youtube berbeda dengan format video yang biasa beredar di pasaran.ia menggunakan format .flv
tapi ada satu kelemahan yang ada di youtube...yaitu semua video yang tersedia di situsnya tidak dapat kita download tapi hanya dapat kita tonton dengan membuka webnya terlebih dahulu.Bahasa kerennya "video streaming"
jadi bagaimana jika ada video yang menurut kita bagus dan kita ingin menyimpan video tersebut sebagai koleksi?
tapi tenang..jangan berkecil hati dulu..masih ada cara untuk mengakalinya.
untuk mengakalinya kita bisa menggunakan browser mozila..belum punya?noh download aja di blog ini ada kok..disebelah kiri bawah..
caranya begini:

1.buka situs youtube

2.pilih salah satu video yang ingin kamu download...kalo kamu pake mozilla

4.klik kanan-view page info

5.klik tab media-pada kolom adress cari nama flash player2.swf

6.copy text yang ditebelin

7.tutup halaman video kamu..buka halaman baru..ketikkan[text yang dicetak tebal]

8.maka secara otomatis video akan langsung terdownload oleh browser kamu

9.untuk memainkannya gunakan FLV player yang bisa kamu download gratis....(bisa cari di google)

Bagaimana anda sudah bisa mendownload videonya kan?masih belum bisa?tenang masih ada cara kedua..hehehe

Cara kedua adalah...anda pernah dengar akan saya jelaskan..keepvid merupakan web yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk mendownload video yang tersebar diberbagai web seperti,, dan masih banyak lagi...lalu youtube nya mana?tenang saja web ini juga menyediakan fasilitas download untuk video yang ada di youtube...sekarang caranya gimana?mudah kok...kamu tinggal me-copy link video yang ada di youtube contohnya:

setelah anda copy linknya...buka lalu paste di kolom yang telah disediakan..lalu isi kolom disebelahnya dengan youtube..lalu klik download..tunggu sebentar..akan muncul link download disebelah bawah kolom tadi..tinggal klik aja link downloadnya...tunggu sampe proses download selesai...tapi ingat jika sudah dapat filenya..rename/ganti extensi file tersebut dengan .flv contoh:get_video menjadi get_video.flv

sekarang kita tinggal putar file tadi dengan flv player...apa anda tidak punya pemutarnya?hm...kalo gitu download aja di ada tuh lagi

gimana asyik kan bisa download video yang ada diyoutube?hehehe...ok sekian trik dari saya...semoga bermanfaat

Cara melacak IP adress

Pernakah anda ingin suatu apa alamat IP suatu web yang sering anda kunjugi?Ada
satu cara agar kita bisa tau alamat IP suatu situs/web..

1.cara melacak alamt IP suatu situs
untuk melakukan hal ini tidak diperlukan suatu software khusus cukup menggunakan
fasilitas yang telah disediakan oleh windows.Kita bisa menggunakan Dos.Caranya
masuk ke comand prompt.anda bisa klik Run-cmd-dan ketikkan ping
Nama situs yang ingin dilacak lalu tekan enter.Setelah
anda tekan enter,maka akan tertera alamat IP situs tersebut.

2.Melacak lokasi server(real address)
Setelah anda mendapatkan IP address situs tersebut.Andapun bisa mengetahui
dimana lokasi negara dan kota situs tersebut berada.Caranya buka masukkan IP address situs tersebut atau alamat
situs tersebut.andapun akan mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang lokasi situs tersebut.

Setelah anda membaca 2 trik diatas,kita bisa menggabungkan 2 trik tersebut untuk Melacak IP address Lawan chatting.Kitapun bisa mengetahui IP address lawan chatting kita menggunakan Yahoo Messenger.Caranya adalah:kirimkan satu file bebas apa saja.mengapa harus mengirimkan file terlebih dahulu?ini berfungsi sebagai timing waktu untuk mengetikkan perintah perintah untuk menampilkan IP adrress teman chatt anda.Disarankan diatas 500 kb.Lebih besar file yang dikirim lebih bagus,karena akan menyebabkan waktu anda lebih banyak.Kemudian masuk ke Dos melalui command prompt(Run-cmd)lalu ketikkan NETSTAT -N dan tekan enter.Maka alamat IP teman chatting anda akan muncul beserta port yang digunakan untuk mengirim file tadi.contoh: :3000+++.( adalah nomor IP dan 3000+++ adalah port yang tadi anda kirimin file.untuk mengetahui lokasi lawan chatting anda seperti berada di kampus,kantor ataupun warnet mana,anda bisa chek di dengan memasukkan alamat IP yang telah anda dapatkan.

maksud dari postingan ini bukan untuk mengajarkan anda agar menjadi seorang cracker.tapi manfaat dari postingan ini agar kita tahu,ternyata segala macam komunikasi melalui internet masih dapat dilacak dengan mudah oleh orang yang mengerti trik seperti diatas.untuk penggunaan yahoo Messenger,sebaiknya anda jangan sembarangan menerima file yang dikirimkan melalui Yahoo messenger.Juga jangan sembarangan add ID yang tidak dikenal karena bisa saja itu virus yang akan menginfeksi komputer anda.Semoga bermanfaat!!!

Bermain main Dengan Google

Sebagai mesin pencari no 1 di dunia maya saat sangat sering sekali digunakan oleh pengguna internet sebagai search engine terlengkap..anda bisa mencari apapun disini mulai dari informasi berita,pengetahuan,gosip dan masih banyak lagi..pokoknya bisa diibaratkan sebagai all in one..tapi ada beberapa rahasia yang tersimpan didalam google yang bisa kita buka dengan memasukkan kata kunci rahasia..ini hanya sebagai joke saja

1.Isikan kata “googoth” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”.anda akan segera dibawa masuk ke tampilan google yang gelap dan terkesan gothic.

2.Isikan kata “ewmew fudd” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. anda akan dibawa masuk ke tampilan google dengan teks versi tokoh Elmer Fudd dari Warner Bros.

3.Isikan kata “xx-klingon” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. anda akan segera dibawa masuk ke tampilan google dengan bahasa suku Klingon.

4.Isikan kata “google bsd” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”.perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon bsd.
5.Isikan kata “google linux” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. Coba perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon Linux. :linux:

6.Isikan kata “google easter egg” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. anda akan disuguhi dengan tampilan mesin pencari google dengan sebuah game menangkap telur paskah, dimana anda bisa mengendalikan gerak kelinci tersebut.

ini ada yang lebih seru lagi...saat anda akan mencari image di google,anda bisa membuat seluaruh gambar disana bergoyang goyang...caranya buka google lalu pilih image..masukkan nama gambar..terserah apa aja...lalu klik search
setelah semua gambar terbuka...copy code berikut di address bar dan tekan enter

1.membuat gambar naik turun

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.mkssddddddddddd=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

2.membuat gambar muter muter

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.right=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

Bagaimana keren bukan...Selamat menikmati!!!

Tips mencari serial number Software

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