Thursday, March 19, 2009
Internet Marketing
Internet marketing first began in the early 1990s as simple, text-based websites that offered product information. Over time Internet marketing evolved into more than just selling information products, there are people now selling advertising space, software programs, business models, and many other products and services. Companies like Google, Yahoo, and MSN have leveled the playing field of internet advertising. By offering local advertising to small to medium sized businesses, ROI has grown while the bottom line has been lowered. This type of marketing is the backbone of modern capitalism, allowing anyone with an idea,product or service to reach the widest audience possible. The next evolutionary step would be to refine the consumer search to those consumers specifically searching for your product or service, and entice them with catchy tag lines and promotions. Once the consumer has chosen your company, and entered your e-store, the design of your website will determine the online to offline or e-commerce conversion rates. These are what business owners covet, the lowest cost per lead.
To clarify, while internet marketing can cover any facet of online marketing as described above, current use of the term internet marketing commonly refers to the use of direct response marketing strategies, that were traditionally used in direct mail, radio, and TV infomericals, applied to the internet business space.
These methods have been found to be particularly useful on the internet due to its tracking capabilities coupled with the ability to instantly reach the prospect, whether it be B2B or Business to consumer. This ability for careful anaylsis has become quite common now, which is why you will commonly see terms such as ROI, conversion rate, and sales letter commonly come up when discussing internet marketing.
Business models
Internet marketing is associated with several business models. The main models include business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). B2B consists of companies doing business with each other, whereas B2C involves selling directly to the end consumer (see Malala, 2003)[1] When Internet marketing first began, the B2C model was first to emerge. B2B transactions were more complex and came about later. A third, less common business model is peer-to-peer (P2P), where individuals exchange goods between themselves. An example of P2P is Kazaa, which is built upon individuals sharing files.
Internet marketing can also be seen in various formats. One version is name-your-price (e.g. With this format, customers are able to state what price range they wish to spend and then select from items at that price range. With find-the-best-price websites , Internet users can search for the lowest prices on items. A final format is online auctions where buyers bid on listed items.
It should be noted, however; as described above, under history, that current use of the term internet marketing commonly refers to the use of direct response marketing strategies, that were traditionally used in direct mail, radio, and TV infomercials, applied to the internet business space. When professionals and entrepreneurs commonly refer to "internet marketing" it is this model that they are often referring to. ....The theory was that broadcaster would begin transmitting digital signal in this new band and then the analog signal would be discontinued when consumer penetration of the new technology was deemed sufficient...
Some of the benefits associated with Internet marketing include the availability of information. Consumers can log onto the Internet and learn about products, as well as purchase them, at any hour. Companies that use Internet marketing can also save money because of a reduced need for a sales force. Overall, Internet marketing can help expand from a local market to both national and international marketplaces. And, in a way, it levels the playing field for big and small players. Unlike traditional marketing media (like print, radio and TV), entry into the realm of Internet marketing can be a lot less expensive.
Furthermore, since exposure, response and overall efficiency of digital media is much easier to track than that of traditional "offline" media, Internet marketing offers a greater sense of accountability for advertisers.
Compared to the other media marketing(like print, radio and TV), Internet marketing is growing very fast. It's also gaining popularity among small businesses and even consumers when trying to monetize their blog or website. The measurability of the internet as a media makes it easier to experience innovative e-marketing tactics that will prove a better Cost of Acquisition than other media. However, in most developed countries, internet marketing and advertising spending is around 5% only, while TV, radio, and the print are more.
Limitations of Internet marketing create problems for both companies and consumers. Slow Internet connections can cause difficulties. If companies build overly large or complicated web pages, Internet users may struggle to download the information. Internet marketing does not allow shoppers to touch, smell, taste or try-on tangible goods before making an online purchase. Some e-commerce vendors have implemented liberal return policies to reassure customers. Germany for example introduced a law in 2000 (Fernabsatzgesetz - later incorporated into the BGB), that allows any buyer of a new product over the internet to return the product on a no-questions-asked basis and get a full return. This is one of the main reasons why in Germany internet shopping became so popular. Another limiting factor, particularly with respect to actual buying and selling, is the adequate development (or lack thereof) of electronic payment methods like e-checks, credit cards, etc.
Security concerns
For both companies and consumers that participate in online business, security concerns are very important. Many consumers are hesitant to buy items over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Recently, some companies that do business online have been caught giving away or selling information about their customers. Several of these companies have guarantees on their websites, claiming customer information will be private. By selling customer information, these companies are breaking their own, publicized policy. Some companies that buy customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from the database (known as opting out). However, many customers are unaware that their information is being shared and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies.
Security concerns are of great importance and online companies have been working hard to create solutions. Encryption is one of the main methods for dealing with privacy and security concerns on the Internet. Encryption is defined as the conversion of data into a form called a cipher. This cipher cannot be easily intercepted unless an individual is authorized by the program or company that completed the encryption. In general, the stronger the cipher, the better protected the data is. However, the stronger the cipher, the more expensive encryption becomes.
Effects on industries
Internet marketing has had a large impact on several industries including music, banking, and flea markets - not to mention the advertising industry itself.
In the music industry, many consumers have begun buying and downloading MP3s over the Internet instead of simply buying CDs. The debate over the legality of duplicating MP3s has become a major concern for those in the music industry.
Internet marketing has also affected the banking industry. More and more banks are offering the ability to perform banking tasks online. Online banking is believed to appeal to customers because it is more convenient than visiting bank branches. Currently, over 50 million U.S. adults now bank online. Online banking is now the fastest-growing Internet activity. The increasing speed of Internet connections is the main reason for the fast-growth. Of those individuals who use the Internet, 44% now perform banking activities over the Internet.
As Internet auctions have gained popularity, flea markets are struggling. Unique items that could previously be found at flea markets are being sold on instead. has also affected the prices in the industry. Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets and the price often becomes what the item is sold for. More and more flea market sellers are putting their items up for sale online and running their business out of their homes.
The effect on the Ad industry itself has been profound. In just a few years, online advertising has grown to be worth tens of billions of dollars annually. [2][3][4] As Advertisers increase and shift more of their budgets online, it is now overtaking radio in terms of market share.
Mempercepat koneksi modem internet
Begini caranya...
Buka control panel.klik icon modem..lalu pilih modem yang akan di ubah kecepatannya.klik properties pada modem itu..maka akan muncul modem properties..pilih modem,lalu ganti angka maximum port speed menjadi angka yang paling besar..misalnya 115200.sekarang coba kamu koneksi kan modem kamu..pasti nanti akan kerasa bedanya....
Download Video di Youtube
Youtube merupakan situs yang menyediakan ribuan video yang siap ditonton setiap harinya...
Ada lebih dari 70 video baru setiap harinya.Di situs ini juga kita dapat saling berbagi/sharing video lewat video yang ada di youtube termasuk paling lengkap diantara situs-situs lainnya.mulai dari video artis,video klip,funy video sampai film kartunpun ada.Yang lebih menarik lagi video video om tukul arwana(empat mata) pun dapat anda tonton di youtube.
format video yang tersedia di youtube berbeda dengan format video yang biasa beredar di pasaran.ia menggunakan format .flv
tapi ada satu kelemahan yang ada di youtube...yaitu semua video yang tersedia di situsnya tidak dapat kita download tapi hanya dapat kita tonton dengan membuka webnya terlebih dahulu.Bahasa kerennya "video streaming"
jadi bagaimana jika ada video yang menurut kita bagus dan kita ingin menyimpan video tersebut sebagai koleksi?
tapi tenang..jangan berkecil hati dulu..masih ada cara untuk mengakalinya.
untuk mengakalinya kita bisa menggunakan browser mozila..belum punya?noh download aja di blog ini ada kok..disebelah kiri bawah..
caranya begini:
1.buka situs youtube
2.pilih salah satu video yang ingin kamu download...kalo kamu pake mozilla
4.klik kanan-view page info
5.klik tab media-pada kolom adress cari nama flash player2.swf
6.copy text yang ditebelin
7.tutup halaman video kamu..buka halaman baru..ketikkan[text yang dicetak tebal]
8.maka secara otomatis video akan langsung terdownload oleh browser kamu
9.untuk memainkannya gunakan FLV player yang bisa kamu download gratis....(bisa cari di google)
Bagaimana anda sudah bisa mendownload videonya kan?masih belum bisa?tenang masih ada cara kedua..hehehe
Cara kedua adalah...anda pernah dengar akan saya jelaskan..keepvid merupakan web yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk mendownload video yang tersebar diberbagai web seperti,, dan masih banyak lagi...lalu youtube nya mana?tenang saja web ini juga menyediakan fasilitas download untuk video yang ada di youtube...sekarang caranya gimana?mudah kok...kamu tinggal me-copy link video yang ada di youtube contohnya:
setelah anda copy linknya...buka lalu paste di kolom yang telah disediakan..lalu isi kolom disebelahnya dengan youtube..lalu klik download..tunggu sebentar..akan muncul link download disebelah bawah kolom tadi..tinggal klik aja link downloadnya...tunggu sampe proses download selesai...tapi ingat jika sudah dapat filenya..rename/ganti extensi file tersebut dengan .flv contoh:get_video menjadi get_video.flv
sekarang kita tinggal putar file tadi dengan flv player...apa anda tidak punya pemutarnya?hm...kalo gitu download aja di ada tuh lagi
gimana asyik kan bisa download video yang ada diyoutube?hehehe...ok sekian trik dari saya...semoga bermanfaat
Cara melacak IP adress
satu cara agar kita bisa tau alamat IP suatu situs/web..
1.cara melacak alamt IP suatu situs
untuk melakukan hal ini tidak diperlukan suatu software khusus cukup menggunakan
fasilitas yang telah disediakan oleh windows.Kita bisa menggunakan Dos.Caranya
masuk ke comand prompt.anda bisa klik Run-cmd-dan ketikkan ping
Nama situs yang ingin dilacak lalu tekan enter.Setelah
anda tekan enter,maka akan tertera alamat IP situs tersebut.
2.Melacak lokasi server(real address)
Setelah anda mendapatkan IP address situs tersebut.Andapun bisa mengetahui
dimana lokasi negara dan kota situs tersebut berada.Caranya buka masukkan IP address situs tersebut atau alamat
situs tersebut.andapun akan mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang lokasi situs tersebut.
Setelah anda membaca 2 trik diatas,kita bisa menggabungkan 2 trik tersebut untuk Melacak IP address Lawan chatting.Kitapun bisa mengetahui IP address lawan chatting kita menggunakan Yahoo Messenger.Caranya adalah:kirimkan satu file bebas apa saja.mengapa harus mengirimkan file terlebih dahulu?ini berfungsi sebagai timing waktu untuk mengetikkan perintah perintah untuk menampilkan IP adrress teman chatt anda.Disarankan diatas 500 kb.Lebih besar file yang dikirim lebih bagus,karena akan menyebabkan waktu anda lebih banyak.Kemudian masuk ke Dos melalui command prompt(Run-cmd)lalu ketikkan NETSTAT -N dan tekan enter.Maka alamat IP teman chatting anda akan muncul beserta port yang digunakan untuk mengirim file tadi.contoh: :3000+++.( adalah nomor IP dan 3000+++ adalah port yang tadi anda kirimin file.untuk mengetahui lokasi lawan chatting anda seperti berada di kampus,kantor ataupun warnet mana,anda bisa chek di dengan memasukkan alamat IP yang telah anda dapatkan.
maksud dari postingan ini bukan untuk mengajarkan anda agar menjadi seorang cracker.tapi manfaat dari postingan ini agar kita tahu,ternyata segala macam komunikasi melalui internet masih dapat dilacak dengan mudah oleh orang yang mengerti trik seperti diatas.untuk penggunaan yahoo Messenger,sebaiknya anda jangan sembarangan menerima file yang dikirimkan melalui Yahoo messenger.Juga jangan sembarangan add ID yang tidak dikenal karena bisa saja itu virus yang akan menginfeksi komputer anda.Semoga bermanfaat!!!
Bermain main Dengan Google
1.Isikan kata “googoth” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”.anda akan segera dibawa masuk ke tampilan google yang gelap dan terkesan gothic.
2.Isikan kata “ewmew fudd” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. anda akan dibawa masuk ke tampilan google dengan teks versi tokoh Elmer Fudd dari Warner Bros.
3.Isikan kata “xx-klingon” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. anda akan segera dibawa masuk ke tampilan google dengan bahasa suku Klingon.
4.Isikan kata “google bsd” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”.perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon bsd.
5.Isikan kata “google linux” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. Coba perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon Linux. :linux:
6.Isikan kata “google easter egg” pada keyword, lalu tekan tombol “I’m Feeling Lucky / Saya Lagi Beruntung”. anda akan disuguhi dengan tampilan mesin pencari google dengan sebuah game menangkap telur paskah, dimana anda bisa mengendalikan gerak kelinci tersebut.
ini ada yang lebih seru lagi...saat anda akan mencari image di google,anda bisa membuat seluaruh gambar disana bergoyang goyang...caranya buka google lalu pilih image..masukkan nama gambar..terserah apa aja...lalu klik search
setelah semua gambar terbuka...copy code berikut di address bar dan tekan enter
1.membuat gambar naik turun
javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.mkssddddddddddd=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);
2.membuat gambar muter muter
javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.right=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);
Bagaimana keren bukan...Selamat menikmati!!!
Tips mencari serial number Software
Aplikasi Rahasia dalam windows XP
Untuk menjalankan Aplikasi-aplikasi di bawah ini :
Buka command prompt dan Ketikkan nama programnya (contoh :cleanmgr.exe) atau klik Start -> Run dan Ketikkan nama programnya (contoh :cleanmgr.exe).
1. Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe
Digunakan untuk cleanup disk
2. Character Map = charmap.exe
Digunakan untuk mencari karakter yang tidak umum
3. Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe
Digunakan untuk troubleshooting di PC.
4. DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe
Digunakan untuk diagnosis audio video card anda
5. Private character editor = eudcedit.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat karakter baru di windows anda
6. IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat self-extracting / self-installing package. seperti file Zip
7. micr*soft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat sincronisasi.
8. Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe
Digunakan untuk melihat konten dari Windows clipboard
9. Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe
Digunakan untuk membuka Windows Media Player versi 5.1
10. ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe
Digunakan untuk keperluan database
11. Object Packager = packager.exe
Digunakan untuk memasukkan objek kedalam file.
12. System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe
Digunakan untuk mengubah system.ini dan win.ini
13. Syskey = syskey.exe
Digunakan untuk konfigurasi account di windows.
14. micr*soft Telnet Client = telnet.exe
Digunakan untuk melakukan koneksi internet sebelum ada browser.
15. Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe
Digunakan untuk monitoring driver di windows anda
16. Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe
Digunakan untuk chat sec
17. System configuration = msconfig.exe
Digunakan untuk mengontrol program startup
18. System Monitor = perfmon.exe
Digunakan untuk memonitor PC anda.
19. Program Manager = progman.exe
Merupakan warisan dari Windows 3.x desktop shell
20. gpedit.msc
Digunakan untuk mengatur group policy dan otorisasi, apabila Anda menggunakan Active Directory.
21. Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe
Merupakan aplikasi seperti buku telepon
22. Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [juga regedit.exe]
Digunakan untuk tweaking dan editing registry windows
23. Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat shared folder dalam jaringan
24. File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe
Digunakan untuk verifikasi signature
25. Volume Control = sndvol32.exe
Digunakan untuk menampilkan sound control di System Tray
ada yang bisa menambahkan lagi?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
tips-tips unik HPmu
1. Nomor darurat.
Nomor darurat untuk telepon genggam adalah 112. Jika Anda sedang di daerah yang sulit menerima sinyal HP dan perlu memanggil pertolongan, silahkan tekan 112, maka HP akan mencari network yang ada untuk menyambungkan nomor darurat bagi Anda. Yang menarik, nomor 112 dapat ditekan biarpun keypad di-lock. Cobalah.
2. Baterai cadangan tersembunyi
Kalau baterai HP Nokia Anda hampir habis, padahal Anda sedang menunggu telpon penting, silahkan tekan *3370#, maka telpon Anda otomatis restart dan baterai akan bertambah 50%. Baterai cadangan ini akan terisi waktu Anda mencharge HP Anda.
3. Kunci remote mobil Anda ketinggalan di dalam mobil?
Kalau kunci Anda ketinggalan di dalam mobil dan remote cadangannya di rumah, maka telponlah orang rumah dengan HP, lalu dekatkan HP Anda ke mobil kurang lebih 30cm, dan minta orang rumah untuk mendekatkan remotenya ke telepon yang dipakainya lalu menekan tombol pembuka pada remote cadangan tersebut. Voila... mobil Anda pun akan terbuka!
4. Cek keabsahan mobil/motor (Jakarta area only)
Contoh: Ketik metro b86301o (nomer polisi kendaraan), kirim ke 1717, nanti akan ada balasan dari kepolisian mengenai data” kendaraan tersebut. Tips ini juga berguna untuk mengetahui data” mobil bekas yang hendak Anda beli/incar.
5. Dirampok di ATM
Jika jiwa Anda terancam karena sedang ditodong penjahat dan Anda diminta untuk mengeluarkan uang dari ATM, maka Anda bisa minta pertolongan diam” dengan memberikan nomor pin secara terbalik. Misal nomer asli pin Anda 1234, bila diinput 4321 di ATM maka mesin tetap akan mengeluarkan uang tapi juga tanda bahaya ke kantor polisi tanpa diketahui penjahat tsb. Fasilitas ini tersedia di seluruh ATM tapi hanya sedikit orang yang tahu. Tolong sebarkan info ini kepada yang lain.
Semoga bermanfaat.
tips- tips cari jodoh
tips- tips cari jodoh
Banyak orang mulai melirik internet sebagai ajang kencan untuk mencari jodoh. Melalui berbagai situs jejaring sosial, e-mail, chatting sampai situs yang memang ditujukan untuk mencari teman kencan, cari jodoh via internet pun kian populer saja.
Agar Anda nyaman dan aman dalam mencari belahan jiwa via internet, berikut beberapa tips yang bisa diterapkan seperti yang saya forward dari detikINET yang ada dalam RSS feed email saya , Selasa (26/2/2008).
- Lakukan pelan-pelan saja, jangan keburu nafsu. Pada awal-awal perkenalan di dunia maya, jangan membeberkan informasi pribadi secara sembarangan. Anda tak tahu pasti dengan siapa Anda berhubungan, apakah orang baik atau orang jahat. Tunggu sampai Anda benar-benar merasa nyaman dengan si 'dia'.
- Waspadalah jika Anda merasa si 'dia' terlalu tergesa-gesa merayu Anda di dunia maya. Jangan gampang terpikat. Di lain pihak, jangan pula mencitrakan diri sebagai orang yang terlalu membutuhkan. Sama halnya dengan di dunia nyata, dibutuhkan waktu untuk membina hubungan yang baik via internet.
- Ketika Anda sudah mulai merasa nyaman dengan si dia, Anda bisa mempertimbangkan untuk bertukar nomor telepon. Namun, tetap jaga informasi pribadi lainnya. Disarankan untuk memberikan nomor ponsel saja daripada nomor rumah untuk kewaspadaan.
- Berpura-puralah jadi detektif. Sedapat mungkin, cari informasi yang jelas tentang pasangan Anda di dunia maya.
- Ketika Anda sudah merasa siap bertemu dengannya di dunia nyata, lakukan pertemuan pertama di tempat umum atau lakukan bersama teman. Jangan undang orang asing ke rumah. Ingatlah bahwa Anda hanya mengenalnya di internet.
- Pastikan Anda dan teman kencan online Anda itu sepakat memakai penanda yang jelas ketika bertemu, misalnya dengan topi atau kacamata. Jangan sampai Anda salah orang.
- Jika pada pertemuan tersebut Anda merasa tidak nyaman dan naluri Anda mengatakan ada yang tidak beres, Anda sebaiknya meninggalkannya. Masih banyak calon jodoh idaman lainnya yang menunggu Anda.
- Ingatlah bahwa cari jodoh itu gampang-gampang susah. Bisa jadi Anda terpesona ketika chatting di internet, namun jadi muak ketika dia menelepon. Bisa jadi Anda terpesona saat dia menelepon, namun mendadak 'tak berselera' saat ketemuan di dunia nyata. Tetap bersabar dan berusaha lagi!
Kini mencari jodoh tak perlu serumit dulu karena kini di dunia maya pun Anda dapat bertemu dengan lawan jenis yang mungkin dapat menjadi calon pendamping Anda. Bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba, ada baiknya mengikuti beberapa panduan berikut..
Lalu apa saja sih yang harus diperhatikan sebelum memutuskan untuk berkencan di dunia maya? Berikut ini panduannya :
1. Cari dan pilih situs yang tepat dan yang benar-benar populer serta fokus hanya pada perjodohan.
2. Cari situs yang mempunyai kebijaksanaan privasi, dengan tidak menyebarluaskan data pribadi dan identitas diri Anda pada orang lain.
3. Agar usaha Anda berhasil, buatlah profil pribadi yang ‘menggoda’. Kalau perlu ciptakan profil diri yang memikat. Tapi ketahui lebih dulu hal-hal apa saja yang tidak boleh dan tidak perlu diungkap dalam profil.
4. Saring ‘pengunjung’ Anda dengan cara memberi kode tertentu untuk setiap deskripsi diri para ‘pengunjung’ Anda. Tapi awas! Jangan pernah langsung menganggap setiap email yang masuk pasti bakal jodoh Anda. Selidiki profil dan juga penampilannya, untuk lebih memastikan ajak ia untuk bertemu muka (copy darat).
5. Agar lebih amannya, jangan temui teman online seorang diri, setidaknya ajak seorang teman-meskipun hubungan di dunia maya sudah cukup baik. Selain untuk keamanan, cara ini akan membuatnya lebih tergoda dan penasaran pada Anda
tips cari duit di internet
Apa itu PTC / PTR ?
PTC / PTR (Paid to Click / Paid to Read) merupakan sebuah program advertising yang memberikan komisi kepada pembaca yang meng-klik iklan yang mereka sediakan.
Sampai saat ini hampir semua site PTC / PTR bersifat free atau gratis,
tapi setiap site yang menyediakan program ini menghargai setiap klik dengan harga yang berbeda-beda,
ada yang $ 0.001, $ 0.01,bahkan ada yang hanya $ 0.0001,
kok bayarannya sangat kecil ?
ya sangat kecil,namun jika kita melakukan upgrade account,
kita akan memperoleh fasilitas lebih,
seperti klik dihargai lebih besar,
dan masih banyak lagi.
tapi jika anda belum mampu untuk melakukan upgrade,
dalam program PTC / PTR para penyedia program memperbolehkan melakukan pencarian referal,
karena dengan mempunyai referal yang banyak kita akan mudah memperoleh hasil yang banyak.
Apa pula itu referal ?
Referal yaitu orang yang kita ajak untuk menjadi kaki tangan atau bawahan suatu program yang sedang kita ikuti.
apakah referal itu penting ?
ya, sangat penting malah,
karena dalam program PTC / PTR selain mendapatkan pendapatan dengan klik sendiri,
kita juga bisa memperoleh pendapatan melalui referal.
Setiap site PTC / PTR mempunyai persentase pendapatan yang berbeda jika kita memperoleh referal,
ada yang cuma 10 , 20, 30, hingga 100 % dari pendapatan referal.
jadi setiap anggota selain melakukan klik sendiri, dia juga harus bekerja keras untuk mencari referal agar mempermudah dia untuk memperoleh pendapatan.
Saat ini banyak situs-situs PTC / PTR yang bertebaran di mana-mana,
semua situs menawarkan pendapatan yang menggiurkan,
tapi kita harus berhati-hati dalam memilih program-program PTC / PTR tersebut,
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about honda NSR
NSR 150SP ini hanya beredar di wilayah Thailand dan Asia Tenggara lainnya. Diproduksi oleh Honda Asia Pacific di Thailand pada tahun 1997. Model ini (disebut juga KW6) design nya dibuat di Italy, sedangkan mesinnya dibuat di Japan. Dan di Thailand sendiri terjual 800.000 unit setahun…!!! Di Indonesia NSR150SP ini juga beredar, dan pada zamannya termasuk motor yang difavoritkan, karena disamping kuueenceng juga modelnya yang lumayan apalagi pro armnya yang sampai sekarang juga banyak yang nyari… biasaaa buat limbah modif… :D Dibandingkan dengan NSR150RR beda power cuma 2.5 HP. Di Thailand NSR150SP ini dikenal sebagai ‘Raja Jalanan’ dan juga mendominasi pada arena race seperti ‘Asean Cup’. :D
Perbedaan yang jelas antara NSR150SP dan NSR150RR terletak pada eye-catching pro arm yang sama dengan MC28 NSR 250. Ditambah lagi dengan ban belakang yang sedikit lebih lebar. Demikian juga chamber dan silencernya yang akan meningkatkan performance, namun tidak mempengaruhi emisi gas buang.
Walaupun secara teoritis top speed dapat mencapai 200 km/h, namun secara actualnya top speednya dapat mencapai 180 km/h. Oli sampingnya dapat menampung 1.5 liters dan terletak di bagian belakang dibawah sadel boncenger…!!! Bodywork NSR SP sama dengan NSR RR, yang berbeda dari sisi cat yaitu warna repsol.
Tuning untuk NSR 150SP (salah satu brand pakai Tyga performance) dilakukan antara lain dengan :
* Penggantian exhaust system set (pipe + silencer kevlar/alumunium).
* NSR150SP carburator kit
Walaupun product NSR150SP ini sudah discontinued.. namun pecinta NSR 150 SP ditanah air masih ada.. masih seliwar-seliwer walau sudah mulai jarang… :D
nSR lover
Bagi pecinta 2 stroke.. kecintaan terhadap motor ini karena… powernya yang nggak bertele-tele.. apalagi untuk cc kecil… tinggal gas betot.. tuh motor langsung ngaciiirr…!!! Yang against 2-stroke.. akan menuding bahwa… 2-stroke biang polusi.. dan menunjuk di Eropa untuk cc yang lebih besar dari 125cc.. 2 stroke udah nggak diproduksi lagi…!!! Kemudian.. repotlah.. kudu pake oli samping etc.. !!! Anyway, untuk cc kecil.. 2 stroke ini .. seeeng ada lawan.. even 4 stroke DOHC… masih payah…!!! Diantara… jajaran 2-stroke bikez… Honda NSR 500 adalah Sang Maestro.. Apa sih kelebihan NSR 500.. mari kita kupaz tuntaz disini…!!! :D
Honda NSR500 pertama kali dikeluarkan pada tahun 1984 di ajang motoGP, menggantikan Honda NS500. NS500 sendiri dikeluarkan pada awal tahun 1980-an, dan sempet menjadi juara motoGP pada tahun 1983. NS500 sendiri menggunakan engine 500cc, 2 stroke V-three, dan cuma bertahan kurang lebih 3 tahun sebelum digantikan dengan NSR500.
Tercatat 10 kali Honda NSR500 menjuarai MotoGP kelas 500cc (1984 - 2001). Diantaranya 6 kali juara berturut-turut.. (tahun 1994-1999). Prestasi ini cuma bisa dikalahkan oleh MV Agusta (17 kali juara berturut-turut) sewaktu ‘jokinya’ John Surtees, Mike Hailwood, Giacomo Agostini dan Phil Read. Japs bike lainnya…??? Lewaaaattt….!!! Yang pernah juara menggunakan NSR500 adalah sbb :
* Freddie Spencer, tahun 1985
* Wayne Gardner, tahun 1987
* Eddie Lawson, tahun 1989
* Michael Doohan, tahun 1994 - 1998 (5 kali juara)
* Alex Criville, tahun 1999
* Valentino Rossi, tahun 2001
Honda NSR500 menggunakan engine 499cc, liquid cooled, two stroke, case reed valve V-4 engine. Power yang dihasilkan dapat mencapai lebih dari 200HP. Chasis nya menggunakan twin-tube. Ban depan menggunakan ukuran 17 inch, sedangkan belakang dapat menggunakan 17 inch atau 16.5 inch. Suspensinya menggunakan product showa, depan telescopic fork sedangkan belakang menggunakan pro-link. Kapasitas tanki nih motor yaitu 32 liters, dan beratnya plus minus 130 kg. Top speed yang dapat dicapai adalah 200 mph…!!! :D
Teknologi yang diterapkan pada NSR500 di engine V4 65-70 derajat dan digunakan untuk melakukan pengapian sekaligus pada keempat cylinder, makanya disebut ‘big-bang’… dan powernya yang dihasilkan yah pas bang.. tadi yah pool-poool an… Doohan pernah cidera berat.. patah kaki.. tahun 1992.. yah gara-gara motor ini.. tapi itu cuma tahun 1992.. tahun 1994.. yah langsung ngaciiir lagi… Bahkan tahun 1997, menang 12 race dari 15 race yang diselenggarakan…!!!
Seiring dengan regulasi pada tahun 2002, bahwa diperbolehkan 4 stroke sampai dengan 990cc dan sampai 6 cylinder… perlahan tapi pasti kehadiran 2 stroke di motoGP tidaklah menjadi pilihan… akhirnya semua memilih 4 stoke daripada 2 stroke (karena powernya lebih gede…)… tapi nggak semuanya punah.. karena masih ada 125cc dan 250cc yang masih 2 stroke… !!! Walaupun sang maestro NSR500 telah punah… tetapi cucunya di Indonesia masih aza diuber-uber… apalagi kalau bukan NSR 150SP.. !!! :D
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Obama's story, written by Obama
Barack Obama was a first-time author and rookie politician embarking upon his first run for public office. Hermene Hartman was the publisher of N'Digo, a magazine in Chicago aimed at upscale black readers. As Hartman tells it, she got a call from Obama in the fall of 1995 saying he wanted to come and talk. He wanted her to read his newly published memoir.
Hartman read the book, "Dreams From My Father," but chose not to review it. Obama's life story struck her as too exotic for her readers — the Kenyan father, the white mother, the childhood in Honolulu and Jakarta, Indonesia. But she felt she had gotten to know him from his writing; when he ran for the United States Senate eight years later, N'Digo became the first magazine to put Obama on its cover.
"Barack is a very focused, determined person," said Hartman, who now considers Obama a friend. "Barack would go to people one by one and say, 'Here's my book, I want you to read it, give me feedback.' For me, as a publisher, he wanted me to write about it. He would call me every week and say, 'Did you read my book?' "
Senator Obama understands as well as any politician the power of a well-told story. He has risen in politics less on his track record than on his telling of his life story — a tale he has packaged into two hugely successful books that have helped make him a mega-best-selling, two-time Grammy-winning millionaire front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination at age 46. According to his publisher, there are more than three million copies of his books in print — and two more books on the way.
The story of Obama's life as an author tells as much about him as some of the stories he has recounted in his books. It possesses at times the same charmed quality sometimes ascribed to his political ascent — an impression of ease, if not exactly effortlessness, that obscures a more complex amalgam of drive, ambition, timing and the ability to recognize an opportunity and to do what it takes to seize it.
Just as he was eager to promote his first book to Hartman, he has made the most of his second. When his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention sent his memoir soaring out of obscurity and straight onto the best-seller list, he untethered himself from his longtime literary agent in favor of Robert Barnett, the Washington lawyer who had gotten Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton an $8 million book advance and then landed Obama a $1.9 million, three-book deal.
He finished his second book, "The Audacity of Hope," 18 months into his first term in the Senate, edited the proofs late at night on a congressional fact-finding trip to Africa, plunged into campaigning for colleagues in the midterm elections, took time out for a 12-city book tour, appeared on programs like "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and "Charlie Rose," then announced four months later that he was running for president.
The books have defined Obama's public image in a way that few books by politicians have done. Reporters paw through them for insights into Obama the candidate, supplied by Obama the author. Out of his story, he has also drawn the central promise of his campaign: if a biracial son of a Kenyan and a Kansan could reconcile the seemingly irreconcilable in himself, a divided country could do the same.
His memoir is, as one publisher put it, "the single most vetted book in American politics right now." Written at a time when Obama says he was thinking less about a career in politics than about simply writing a good book, it leaves an impression of candidness and authenticity that gives it much of its power. Reporters have questioned Obama's use of fictional techniques like composite characters, but some editors and critics say that is common in memoirs.
"The book is so literary," said Arnold Rampersad, a professor of English at Stanford University who teaches autobiography and is the author of a recent biography of Ralph Ellison. "It is so full of clever tricks — inventions for literary effect — that I was taken aback, even astonished. But make no mistake, these are simply the tricks that art trades in, and out of these tricks is supposed to come our realization of truth."
In a telephone interview on Friday, Obama said he would not be surprised if some people had gotten involved in his campaign "because they feel they know me through my books." But he said he was not even thinking about political consequences when he wrote the memoir. In fact, he said, one editor warned him back then that his references to drug use could come back to haunt him — if he were ever nominated for the Supreme Court.
"This is an example of what happens when you look at things backwards," Obama said when asked whether he had his political future in mind when he first began to write. "Then everything looks like, 'Ah! Of course this was part of some well-calibrated consideration.' But frankly, no. It would have been very hard for me to anticipate that I'd be where I am today, where a book that I wrote almost 20 years ago now would even be read."
Early Exposure
Obama's story first surfaced publicly in February 1990, when he was elected as the first black president of The Harvard Law Review. An initial wire service report described him simply as a 28-year-old, second-year student from Hawaii who had "not ruled out a future in politics"; but in the days that followed, newspaper reporters grew interested and produced long, detailed profiles of Obama.
The coverage prompted a call to him from Jane Dystel, a gravelly-voiced literary agent described by Peter Osnos, then the publisher of Times Books, as "a good journeyman with a hard edge." The home page of her firm's Web site currently features clients' best sellers including "Lies at the Altar: The Truth About Great Marriages." Dystel suggested Obama write a book proposal. Then she got him a contract with Poseidon Press, a now-defunct imprint of Simon & Schuster. When he missed his deadline, she got him another contract and a $40,000 advance from Times Books.
Obama's original plan was to write a book about race relations. But, sitting down to write, he found his mind "pulled toward rockier shores." So the book became more personal — the record of an interior journey, as he put it in the introduction, "a boy's search for his father, and through that a search for a workable meaning for his life as a black American."
Obama was given an office to write in at the University of Chicago through a surprising connection. Douglas Baird, a professor who was head of the law school's appointments committee, had learned of Obama from Michael McConnell, a conservative constitutional scholar then at Chicago whom President George W. Bush would later make a U.S. judge.
Professor McConnell encountered Obama during the editing of an article he wrote for The Harvard Law Review, Professor Baird said recently. "He sent a note saying this person is really brilliant, we should have him on our radar screen," Professor Baird said. Professor Baird called Obama at Harvard and asked if he was interested in teaching.
"I don't remember his exact words, but it was something to the effect that, 'Well, in fact, I want to write this book.' What he really wanted was the Virginia Woolf equivalent of a clean, well lighted room." So Professor Baird got him one, a small office near the law library, along with a law school fellowship that Professor Baird hoped might later lead to his full-time teaching.
By the time Obama landed at Times Books, he had a partial manuscript. He required minimal editing, said Henry Ferris, his editor, who is now a vice president and executive editor at William Morrow. He simply needed guidance in paring and shaping the sections already written and keeping the rest from becoming too long. The writing, Ferris said, "is very much his own."
The two worked mostly by telephone and by manuscripts sent by Federal Express between New York and Chicago. Obama, an inveterate journal writer who had published poems in a college literary magazine but had never attempted a book, struggled to finish. His half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, said he eventually retreated to Bali for several months with his wife, Michelle, "to find a peaceful sanctuary where there were no phones." He showed drafts to a few close relatives including his grandmother, of whom Soetoro-Ng said, "It probably made her a little nervous, having the family written about, just because you don't do that in Kansas."
In the introduction, Obama acknowledged his use of pseudonyms, composite characters, approximated dialogue and events out of chronological order. He was writing at a time well before a recent series of publishing scandals involving fabrication in memoirs. "He was trying to be careful of people's feelings," said Deborah Baker, the editor on the first paperback edition of the book. "The fact is, it all had a sort of larger truth going on that you couldn't make up." A Memoir Revived
The book came out in the summer of 1995, shortly before Obama announced that he was running for the Illinois State Senate. At 57th Street Books, in Obama's neighborhood in Chicago, a few dozen people turned out for a reading. There were respectful reviews in newspapers including The New York Times and The Boston Globe. Times Books sold 8,000 to 9,000 copies.
"I joke that 290 million Americans did not buy the book," he said.
Kodansha Globe, a now-defunct branch of a Japanese company, bought the paperback rights for $5,000 to $7,500 and printed about 6,000 copies in 1996, said Philip Turner, Kondansha's editor in chief at the time. The cover carried a blurb from Marian Wright Edelman: "Perceptive and wise, this book will tell you something about yourself whether you are black or white."
"Even now, it's hard to get my mind around the idea that this person is in politics," said Baker, who described Obama as a born writer. "I actually think he could be a brilliant politician. He was ambitious as a writer in the same way — very cunning in the way he structured the book. I remember thinking, 'This guy really knows how to tell a story.' "
But within a few years, "Dreams From My Father" was out of print.
Then in March 2004, Obama's political and literary fortunes abruptly shifted. His victory in a tightly contested United States Senate primary in Illinois made him an overnight Democratic Party sensation. In New York City, Rachel Klayman, an editor at Crown Books, read a article on Obama by the author Scott Turow, an Obama friend, titled "The New Face of the Democratic Party — and America."
Klayman looked up Obama's memoir on and found that the rights were controlled by Crown, which now had the Times Books list. She sent an e-mail message to her boss, suggesting that Crown reissue the book. She contacted Dystel and asked Obama to write a new preface, which came in nearly word perfect.
Then Obama was chosen to give the keynote speech at the Democratic convention.
Crown moved up the publication date, Barnes & Noble increased its order to 20,000 copies, and the book hit the top 50 on Amazon before it was even reissued. Bidding on eBay for a first edition copy hit $255. By December, Obama was the senator-elect and his book had been on the best-seller list for 14 weeks. And Dystel had initiated discussions with Crown about a new book contract for Obama.
Two weeks before Obama's swearing in, Crown announced that it had signed a contract with him for three more books. The first would offer "a window into the political and spiritual convictions that propelled Obama's recent U.S. Senate victory." The second will be a children's book about his life, and the third is yet to be defined. The deal had been initiated by Dystel, the announcement said, but "negotiated and concluded by Robert B. Barnett of Williams & Connolly LLP."
What happened between Obama and Dystel is not clear. Dystel declined to be interviewed for this article. Obama said, "It really had more to do with the fact that by the time 'The Audacity of Hope' was written, I was going to be in Washington and was obviously now very high profile." Osnos called Obama's decision to switch to Barnett, whose clients include former Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain, "disloyal but not unusual."
Others said it was understandable. "You're nobody in Washington without Barnett working for you," said a rival publisher, who asked not to be named. "Bob knows how to deal with the politics of a book as well as the selling of the book, Senate ethics rules, the advance. Bob is a fixer." Unlike literary agents, who take a percentage of an author's earnings, Barnett bills by the hour.
Obama completed "The Audacity of Hope" in the summer of 2006. This time, he distributed drafts to several dozen friends and Senate staff members, many of whom now advise his campaign. They included David Axelrod, his chief political strategist; Anthony Lake, who was a national security adviser for President Bill Clinton; Gene Sperling, a former economic adviser to Clinton; and Samantha Power, who recently stepped down as a foreign policy adviser to Obama after calling his opponent, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, "a monster." "He wrote very polished first drafts," said Cass Sunstein, a University of Chicago law professor who read drafts of chapters on the Constitution and economic policy. "He was very clear to me that these were drafts on which he hoped for comments. I wrote very detailed comments. And afterwards he accepted a small minority of my comments. I gave him some potential formulations for what he might write. He always put it in his own words. Not once did he use my words."
A Second Success
The book's release in October 2006 must have been the envy of anyone who ever published a book or contemplated higher office. In Chicago, people started lining up outside 57th Street Books at 4:15 on the morning of Obama's book signing. For his Seattle signing, the Elliott Bay Book Company rented the 2,500-seat hall where the symphony performs, sold out the tickets in 90 minutes and reported a level of turnout that topped all previous records at the store for any author, including President Clinton.
Time magazine published an excerpt of the book and put Obama on the cover, with a line that said "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President." An adoring photo essay inside shows him doing things like washing the breakfast dishes with his daughter.
"Barack is worth millions now," Osnos said. "It's almost all based on these two books, two books not based on a job of prodigious research or risking one's life as a reporter in Iraq. He has written about himself. Being able to take your own life story and turn it into this incredibly lucrative franchise, it's a stunning fact."
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Story of America
The Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock, December 1620
European nations came to the Americas to increase their wealth and broaden their influence over world affairs. The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States.
By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Many of the people who settled in the New World came to escape religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts, arrived in 1620. In both Virginia and Massachusetts, the colonists flourished with some assistance from Native Americans. New World grains such as corn kept the colonists from starving while, in Virginia, tobacco provided a valuable cash crop. By the early 1700s enslaved Africans made up a growing percentage of the colonial population. By 1770, more than 2 million people lived and worked in Great Britain's 13 North American colonies.
Revolutionary Period (1764-1789)
British general Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga in the American Revolution
Defending the Colonies against attack by the French and others had cost the British a great deal of money. As a result, the British had very high taxes in their country. They thus decided to shift some of their financial burden to the colonists. The Stamp Act of 1765, which taxed all legal documents, newspapers and other documents, was met with a great uproar in the Colonies. In 1766, this tax was repealed, but it was just the beginning of the problems between the colonists and the British. The Boston Tea Party in 1773 was an act of revolt against the British and their tax on tea in the Colonies.
Tensions such as these eventually led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. A year earlier, the War of Independence, also known as the American Revolution, began. When the British finally surrendered on October 19, 1781, Americans were officially independent of Britain and set about establishing their own government.
The New Nation (1790-1828)
Francis Scott Key reaches out towards the flag in "The Star Spangled Banner" by Percy Moran
During this time, Americans established their government and two parties emerged--the Federalists and the Republicans. Americans had a lot to deal with during this period. They had to struggle with the need to increase taxes to pay for the American Revolution as well as deal with the French Revolution which divided American support between France and Britain. Under President Jefferson, the country expanded westward with the purchase of the Louisiana territory and the Lewis and Clark expedition. The War of 1812 against Britain, sometimes called the Second War of American Independence, lasted three years. After the war, a mood of nationalism existed as people focused on events and issues at home. However, troubles were brewing, particularly on the topic of slavery.
Western Expansion & Reform (1829-1859)
A miner strikes gold in California
Presidents Andrew Jackson, James Polk, and John Tyler, like many Americans of this time, embraced the notion of enlarging the "empire for liberty." In other words they wanted to expand the borders of America westward. While some pioneers headed west to California, others attempted to expand the idea of what "liberty" in America meant. Abolitionists opposed laws that kept African Americans enslaved, and advocates of women's suffrage argued that wives, mothers and daughters should play a more significant role in society by voting, holding office, and working outside the home.
Civil War (1860-1865)
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863
Conflict over issues of how much control the federal government should have over the states, industrialization, trade, and especially slavery had increased tension between Northern and Southern states. After Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, 11 Southern states seceded (or withdrew) from the Union and set up an independent government--the Confederate States of America. These events led to the outbreak of the Civil War--a brutal, bloody, four-year conflict that left the South defeated and ended slavery at the cost of more than half a million lives.
Reconstruction (1866-1877)
The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867
After the North defeated the South in the Civil War, politicians faced the task of putting the divided country back together. There was great debate about how severely the former Confederate states should be punished for leaving the Union. With the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865, it was up to President Andrew Johnson to try to reunite former enemies. The Reconstruction Acts of 1867 laid out the process for readmitting Southern states into the Union. The Fourteenth Amendment (1868) provided former slaves with national citizenship, and the Fifteenth Amendment (1870) granted black men the right to vote. These were only the first steps, however, toward reconstructing the fragmented nation.
Gilded Age (1878-1889)
Writer and humorist, Mark Twain, wrote the novel The Gilded Age ridiculing Washington D.C. and many of the leading figures of the day
The growth of industry and a wave of immigrants marked this period in American history. The production of iron and steel rose dramatically and western resources like lumber, gold, and silver increased the demand for improved transportation. Railroad development boomed as trains moved goods from the resource-rich West to the East. Steel and oil were in great demand. All this industry produced a lot of wealth for a number of businessmen like John D. Rockefeller (in oil) and Andrew Carnegie (in steel), known as robber barons (people who got rich through ruthless business deals). The Gilded Age gets its name from the many great fortunes created during this period and the way of life this wealth supported.
Progressive Era (1890-1913)
In the 1890s, the belief that Americans should avoid getting involved with other countries was slowly fading. Because of its rapid economic and social growth, the U.S. had become a major world power. So when Cuban rebels began a violent revolution against Spanish rule in 1895, and a mysterious explosion sunk the U.S.S. Maine in the Havana harbor, the U.S. entered into what diplomat John Hay called "a splendid little war" with Spain. Although the Spanish-American War ended relatively soon, issues over ownership of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and the Hawaiian islands also had to be resolved.
Great War & Jazz Age (1914-1928)
George M. Cohan's song "Over There" captured the patriotic mood of the time
Foreign affairs (relationships with other countries) took up a great deal of President Woodrow Wilson's attention. In Europe, there was the outbreak of World War I, also known as the Great War, in 1914, and in Mexico, there was the Mexican Revolution. Although at first Americans did not want to get involved, they supported the Allies in their fight against the Central Powers. Finally, the U.S. entered the war in 1917. The war concluded in 1918 and the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919. The Allied Powers of the U.S., Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Russia, France, Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro had been victorious.
Back at home, young people were tired of the war. Women exercised their newly found freedom (having won the right to vote in 1920) and many whites took up an interest in African American culture. Harlem nightclubs thrived, spotlighting numerous artists such as jazz musicians Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington.
Depression & WWII (1929-1945)
President Roosevelt signs the Declaration of War against Japan, December 1941
October 29, 1929, was a dark day in history. "Black Tuesday" is the day that the stock market crashed, officially setting off the Great Depression. Unemployment skyrocketed--a quarter of the workforce was without jobs by 1933 and many people became homeless. President Herbert Hoover attempted to handle the crisis but he was unable to improve the situation. In 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president and he promised a "New Deal" for the American people. Congress created The Works Progress Administration (WPA) which offered work relief for thousands of people.
The end to the Great Depression came about in 1941 with America's entry into World War II. America sided with Britain, France and the Soviet Union against Germany, Italy, and Japan. The loss of lives in this war was staggering. The European part of the war ended with Germany's surrender in May 1945. Japan surrendered in September 1945, after the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Modern Era (1946 - present)
"That's one small step for man... and one giant leap for mankind," said Neil Armstrong as he walked on the moon, July 20, 1969
The development and growth of the United States during this era was influenced by helping Europe recover from World War II and U.S. involvement in other wars--mainly the Cold War with the Soviet Union and the Vietnam and Korean Wars. (The Cold War was not a real war with the Soviet Union; this term refers to the chilly relations the U.S. had with the formerly communist nation, which, since its breakup, is called Russia.) In the States, the "Red Scare" of communism of 1950 resulted in the McCarthy hearings. Senator Joseph McCarthy accused many Americans of being communists, which led to loss of employment for many artists, teachers, and government employees.
Several prominent figures, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King Jr., John Kennedy, and Richard Nixon, helped shape America's modern era. During this time, Americans went to the moon, ushered in the civil rights movement and the fight for equal rights for women, established relations with China, and witnessed the fall of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe.